Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Photo credit goes to the Annie Liebovitz
This would have been my dress

i got them all right except for one; i was rooting for Mickey Rourke but Sean Penn is one of my all time favorite actors too so it was not disappointing at all. I am so happy Penelope won for Anna Christina Barcelona, she was terrific. I have followed her for years and still think her best roles were when she worked for Almodovar. My favorite movie of hers is Jamon Jamon, a Spanish comedy of errors.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hi Constanza-
Thanks so much for your latest comment on my blog. I appreciate your opinion and adore your work.
So you picked the winners, all but Sean Penn? I saw "Milk" the Saturday before the awards and just knew Sean Penn would win. Spectacular performance . . . the man is truly gifted.
You sure have some lovely new things posted. Thanks for sharing.